Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Church or Comedy Club?
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
To set the scene....I just got up and I'm downstairs making coffee
Cody: It's freezing down here, is there a blanket I can use?
Me: I don't think so but you can get one upstairs
Cody: Uhhh, I don't feel like it
and then he lays on the couch in a ball freezing his butt off
Now it's an hour later and we're about to walk out the door
Austin: I don't want to wear this t-shirt thats under my shirt
Me: Why, what's wrong with it?
Austin: It's too short, it feels funny and Cody wore my other shirt and got it dirty
Me: What's the big deal, it's under another shirt and besides with all of the t-shirts you own, I'm sure you can find something
Cody: What about the red SOS shirt?
Austin: Red doesn't match
Cody: You're wearing a gray shirt, it matches
Austin: You don't know what you're talking about Cody, it doesn't match
Me: YES IT DOES! Now find something, we have to go
And the all caps do indicate yelling.
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Random Acts of Kindness
Monday, January 14, 2008
If anyone wants a window blinds eating dog, let me know, we have 2....LOL!
Pug Luv
This is my friend Denise's dog Holly. She is now blind and has diabetes but is just the sweetest dog in the whole world. I love her.
Now this is my puppy Maya...
She is just one year old and a very small golden retriever...35 lbs. I love golden retrievers. She is so playful, sweet and loves to cuddle. Kinda sounds like Billy, huh? LOL! How you know she loves you is she'll pee on your foot. It's really very sweet. So if you come to my house, call first so we can put her in the mud room or outside so she can get the peeing out of her system. Believe me she is potty trained, she's just quirky, to her, it's a love pat. We love her so much, she is the prettiest red head we've ever seen. We also have an australian shepherd named Duncan (sorry no pic), and yes the dog is a girl but the name totally fits her. We have her because we are sharing custody with a friend....funny story but too long to share on this blog.
But I have to tell you, if all pugs are like Holly, my next dog will be one. Don't tell Billy though, he's not too fond of pugs but then again he hasn't spent anytime with Holly.
Friday, January 4, 2008
New Year
Some things to looks forward to:
1. I have some awesome news to share but can't go into the details now, only a few people know. Before anyone asks, I'm NOT pregnant.
2. I'm looking forward to what my new job holds for me.
3. I'm looking forward to getting organized.
4. I'm looking forward to doing all of the creative things I love to do and selling them.
5. I really want my etsy store to do great but I need help with the site....anyone interested in helping?
6. I'm looking forward to helping my friend Cindy succeed in the opening of her new store.
7. I'm looking forward to the next Beth Moore study.
8. I'm looking forward to seeing what God has in store for Compass Community Church.
9. I'm looking forward to seeing what God will do in the lives of my friends.
10. I'm looking forward to seeing what God has in store of my whole family.
It has definitely been a trying year but let me say this, God has had his hand in everything and we, Billy and I, are learning to totally trust Him. Not just say we trust Him but really, really, truly trust Him.
Oh and one more thing I'm looking forward to is my friend Tiffany Peterson has started a ministry called Moment to Moment Choices, check out her website http://www.mtmchoices.org/. God has done amazing things with her and will continue to do amazing things.
I'll post some picture soon of our Christmas. We had a great time.