This past weekend, I met up with the girls for some food,
laughter, a 007
mission.....oh yeah and scrapbooking. My scrappin' friends, aka "scrappin' bitches" (we want t-shirts that say this....LOL), met up this weekend. We usually try to get together on Denise' farm every 3 or 4 months but this time we let it go by for a year. Instead of going to Denise's farm, we went to Tonya's new house. We helped her set up her "scrappin'" room and then we set up some tables and started taking a stroll down memory lane wit
h our own scrapbooks. We laughed so hard our stomachs hurt, we ate a ton and we caught up with each other's lives. Oh and I can't forget, we, I mean Sherry, watched the Bengals game because that's what we do for Sherry. We had to go on a spy mission but if I told you about it, then I would have to kill you...LOL. We didn't sleep too well because she who cannot be named snores reallllllyyyyyyy loud....LOL. I think I should add that grown women do have sleepovers. Denise's son, Ryan, told her that she was too old for a sleepover. I hope I'm never too old for sleepovers and fun. On Sunday, Tonya and I went shopping. It was an all around great weekend. I'm still tired though but I'll snap out of it.
I can't wait to do it again.
Girls, we have to make it a point to get together sooner, let's start making plans and adding it to our calendars now.