Thursday, August 20, 2009
What's Up
Anyway, a lot has happened between July 31st and now. First, Cody turned 15 on August 4. I can’t believe how time flies. For those of you with little ones, cherish every moment you have with them. Second, Cody decided to quit football, at least for this year, long story, I could go into it but I don’t have enough time to write about it. If you see me, ask and I’ll tell ya. Third, I finished the sewing project and knitting project I wrote about (I’ll post pictures another time). And fourth, my new little niece, Natalie, was born on Monday, August 17, weighing in at 7 lbs. 10 oz., she is 20.5 inches long. As you can see from the pictures, she is beautiful.
If her dad isn’t strict on her with dating, her Uncle Billy and I will be. She can’t even think of dating until she’s 30….LOL. Oh and Cody and Austin love her.
If I don’t update between today and next Wednesday, Cody and Austin will start school. Cody will be a freshman in High School, a big mile stone so please keep him in your prayers. Austin is playing football for the first time and he loves it. Pray for him in school and on the football field.
See ya, love ya, bye.
Friday, July 31, 2009
A Little Bit of Culture...........LOL
Roller Derby
Yes, folks, we took our impressionable teenage boys to go watch girls basically beat each other up. That was 1.5 hours of completely worth while time. It's time I will never get back! But really I believe there was another reason I was there and I'll share at another time. It's funny how God can use an event like that to spark something in us. Oh and before you ask, I'm NOT thinking of starting a Christian roller derby team.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
New Idea
So what's up with the name change "Are We There Yet?", well, we've all asked that question and I really want to know, are we at the end of the journey of teenagehood (is that a word?)?
Here are my buttheads, oops I mean my precious boys:
Austin is on the left, he's 13, and Cody is on the right, he'll be 15 on August 4th. This is not the best picture in the world but it does give you a frame of reference.
My boys will die of embarrassment when they know that I am blogging about them. Maybe they'll be on their best behaviour if they know that what they do will get out on the web. Maybe I should have talked about them sooner. We'll see.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Xtra 8 Hours
These are a few things I have in the works:
Sewing a new shower curtain
A sweater for my new niece and a sweater for myself
I will post the finished products when completed. Now I'm off to paint furniture.
Monday, April 20, 2009
Birthday Boy
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Missing Him
Billy, I can't wait to see you later....ILUF!
Monday, March 30, 2009
Here a few pictures of our weekend.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
I've been feeling for awhile now that I want to go into a different direction in my career so that would mean I need to go back to school. I have a few ideas of what I may want to do but I'll share those on another day. If whoever reads this and knows me, please give me your input. What direction do you think I should go? You don't have to comment on here, you can email your thoughts. I'm just curious what others think. I'll share my thoughts on what I'm thinking in a few days but want to hear from others first. Yes I know that only God's opinion and mine matter but I still want to input. Thanks.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
IGNITE: Creativity
Compass has opened itself up to exploring different aspects of worship and they feel like art and creativity are gifts from God and should be utilized in worship and in church overall. With that in mind, Compass is hosting a Good Friday art exhibit (gallery style.) The event is tentatively being called Ignite: Creativity to tie into their Ignite series at the church.
Having said all that? We want artists! You don't have to be a pro. You don't have to be a church attendee. The art doesn't need to be "Christian" - no one will be checking for bible verses at the door.
You can paint, draw, knit, sculpt, recite poetry, do a one-act play, sing, play an instrument, sew something... whatever unique creative ability that you have. Whatever connects YOU to our ultimate Creator! :)
I'll have more details soon. PLEASE forward this to as many people as you can, especially those who may be interested in submitting work. The deadline for submissions is the Tuesday before Easter (April 7th.)
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I can't believe I'm going to say this but I can't wait to go back into the office to have some peace and quiet.....LOL!
Well I'm going to finish my day at the "office" and then finish knitting a hat that I started.
Stay warm.
Monday, January 19, 2009
This should not be a hard thing for me because I believe God wants me to raise my kids in a home where the parents are there and present in their lives. I only have about 5 or 6 years left with my boys and I don’t want to miss out on what should be the best but probably the hardest times of their lives. They will go to Wyldlife on Thursdays so I don’t feel bad about going to my Bible study but I still need to find some balance.
How do other people handle this? I could use a little advice here.