Saturday, February 21, 2009

IGNITE: Creativity

Hey! This is a head's up to an event at Compass Community Church in Forest Park. Compass is a church pastored by Dorrien Hinsey who was on staff at the Vineyard in Springdale previously. You can get more information about the church at its website:

Compass has opened itself up to exploring different aspects of worship and they feel like art and creativity are gifts from God and should be utilized in worship and in church overall. With that in mind, Compass is hosting a Good Friday art exhibit (gallery style.) The event is tentatively being called Ignite: Creativity to tie into their Ignite series at the church.

Having said all that? We want artists! You don't have to be a pro. You don't have to be a church attendee. The art doesn't need to be "Christian" - no one will be checking for bible verses at the door.

You can paint, draw, knit, sculpt, recite poetry, do a one-act play, sing, play an instrument, sew something... whatever unique creative ability that you have. Whatever connects YOU to our ultimate Creator! :)

I'll have more details soon. PLEASE forward this to as many people as you can, especially those who may be interested in submitting work. The deadline for submissions is the Tuesday before Easter (April 7th.)
