Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Missing Him

Do you ever have days when you miss someone so much even though you just saw them? Well that is how I am feeling about my husband today. I saw him last night and this morning and I'll get to see him again later when I get home but I am really missing him right now. I think I just want to be alone with him. I want to go out on a date with him, go on a walk and hold his hand, I want to snuggle on the couch and kiss. Not that I don't do that but I want that right now and I also want to be able to kiss him without hearing the boys say "ugh, do that in your room, that's gross" to which we say "we do that cause we love each other and if we didn't love each other you wouldn't be here". (By the way, teenage boys don't want to hear that because they think they are here by immaculate conception or a stork really did drop them off at our house.) All kidding aside, I love my husband. He is the best anyone could EVER ask for.

Billy, I can't wait to see you later....ILUF!

Monday, March 30, 2009


I know I said that I was going to write about my "finding myself journey" but I'll save that for another day. Anyway, I went away with my friends or should I say "scrapbooking bitches" (that was for Sherry's husband Doug and son Alex's enjoyment) over the weekend and we had a blast. We went to the Creating Keepsakes Convention in Louisville and bought tons of stuff, including dorky t-shirts and laughed until our stomachs hurt. Isn't that what good friends are for? Really, these girls are great. They are the kind of friends that you can totally be yourself around. You can say stupid things and they'll make fun of you of course but it doesn't matter because you're comfortable with them. These are the kind of people that keep you grounded.

Here a few pictures of our weekend.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


By the title of this you would think I am going to talk about something deep but not yet. I've been thinking about this blog and what my purpose is in having it. At first I thought I would just write about, simply, my life. Let me tell you, my life can be pretty humerous so I wanted to share those moments and I can still do that. Now I'm thinking that I want others to share in my journey of, for lack of better terminology, "self discovery".

I've been feeling for awhile now that I want to go into a different direction in my career so that would mean I need to go back to school. I have a few ideas of what I may want to do but I'll share those on another day. If whoever reads this and knows me, please give me your input. What direction do you think I should go? You don't have to comment on here, you can email your thoughts. I'm just curious what others think. I'll share my thoughts on what I'm thinking in a few days but want to hear from others first. Yes I know that only God's opinion and mine matter but I still want to input. Thanks.