Wednesday, July 22, 2009

New Idea

So I've been trying to decide what I want this blog to be and it finally occured to me......write about my life with teenagers. It definitely has it's ups and downs, it's actually alot like living with toddlers. I really need to journal about this time because I am finding that it's a bit difficult. I want people to give me feedback on what they've done or just encouragement. And I need prayer. For those of you who have children, you know you pray more now than you ever have....LOL. But seriously I need prayer. The power of prayer is a beautiful thing.

So what's up with the name change "Are We There Yet?", well, we've all asked that question and I really want to know, are we at the end of the journey of teenagehood (is that a word?)?

Here are my buttheads, oops I mean my precious boys:

Austin is on the left, he's 13, and Cody is on the right, he'll be 15 on August 4th. This is not the best picture in the world but it does give you a frame of reference.

My boys will die of embarrassment when they know that I am blogging about them. Maybe they'll be on their best behaviour if they know that what they do will get out on the web. Maybe I should have talked about them sooner. We'll see.

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

haha! That's great... "buttheads"

I love the new look. Much better than before!