Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Another New Look

Okay so I changed the look of my blog again but I don't like it and I don't like the options to choose from. Can someone tell me how I can design my own? I mean I love Jason's, Stacie's and Don's.


Jonathan said...

Are you choosing from blogger's templates? If so, they have some really cool templates. If you want to add a picture like what I have on mine, you can upload it in the "change elements" section of the customize area.

meredith paige said...

im sorry i didnt call, i just got on in over a month? yeah life is nuts. nutcracker is this sunday. (1:30pm at mason high school, YOU SHOULD BE THERE!) but id love to come back and dance sometime. text me because i dont know what number is yours anymore. i love you and miss you!!

youseedrybones said...

I had to pay some money for hosting and I use word press. I also had a graphic designer friend rock mine out as well