Friday, November 7, 2008


I am so glad the election is over. No more commercials.....YEAH! Now comes the real fun. Fun you say, yes because holidays with my family will be all about complaining about the president elect. My question to them will be and to anyone else who wants to complain....did you vote? Really, did you vote? Well if you didn't, stop complaining, just stop! Your vote could have made a difference.


Jonathan said...

And so I say, "sighs".

I'll leave that up for interpretation.

Tonya said...

I am glad the election is over also, the negative campaigning was really starting to irritate me.

youseedrybones said...

I voted, but it looks like my vote made little difference :-( Well, the Casino did get shot down and issue 5 failed, so two of my votes were good.