Friday, July 11, 2008

Back to Reality

We pick up the boys today from camp and I am so excited. I really missed them. I missed them so much that my heart ached. The good thing that came out of it though was Billy and I got a lot of quality and quantity time together. It's nice to reconnect and get back to what brought you together in the first place. What I learned from this is Billy and I need to go out on more "dates" and enjoy each other because one day the boys will be grown and gone and it will just be the two of us again.

So with all that said, now it's back to reality. Now it's back to hearing the boys argue over little things, the boys playing with the dogs (the dogs missed them also), summer homework that they have yet to start, football camps and helping their uncle Troy and grandpa at the concession stands at Phillips Park and Landen Park. Tomorrow we will paint our living room, mow the grass and I'll go to rehearsal. Sunday, we'll go to church and I'll go to a baby shower.

Like I said back to reality but hopefully Billy and I can sneak in a little date....(wink, wink)

1 comment:

Jonathan said...

... and life goes on.

How's the song go? "you don't know what ya got, til it's gone"