Sunday, March 22, 2009


By the title of this you would think I am going to talk about something deep but not yet. I've been thinking about this blog and what my purpose is in having it. At first I thought I would just write about, simply, my life. Let me tell you, my life can be pretty humerous so I wanted to share those moments and I can still do that. Now I'm thinking that I want others to share in my journey of, for lack of better terminology, "self discovery".

I've been feeling for awhile now that I want to go into a different direction in my career so that would mean I need to go back to school. I have a few ideas of what I may want to do but I'll share those on another day. If whoever reads this and knows me, please give me your input. What direction do you think I should go? You don't have to comment on here, you can email your thoughts. I'm just curious what others think. I'll share my thoughts on what I'm thinking in a few days but want to hear from others first. Yes I know that only God's opinion and mine matter but I still want to input. Thanks.


Jonathan said...

I think you should become a dinosaur, or a professional karate expert.

Jonathan said...

On a serious note, I think you would be a great project director.